Independent and Protected
Independent and Protected
The United States Corporation is Under Military Control and has been for some years! Should this concern you? The US DOD is also in charge of The US Treasury - ergo, Your Economic Impact Payment Vouchers (EIPVs) are guaranteed by the US Military NOT by the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK
Politics/Goverment/Government Contracts/Regulatory Authorities.
If you are involved and working in any of the above mentioned job/task areas then you are very likely involved, directly or indirectly with, connected to and approving of someone, or some action(s) connected to the below mentioned
"Human Rights Abuses."
This "connectivity" of yours is contrary to the law. You are also invariably involved in Racketeering Activities contrary to The United States R,I.C.O. ACT 1970 and as such, you are likely to have your finances, property and other assets seized and stand trial for various crimes against humanity.
The I.C.L.C.O.R. is tasked with ensuring that The Rule of Law is Re-established in your country and that you be held accountable for your crimes. Your Lodge, your boss or handler will not and cannot protect you any longer, nor will your previous mind-set presumptions be longer valid..
These remedial actions are now being taken on many levels and by many sources which wish to provide a better world for future generations. Unfortunately, this world does NOT include you. Your time has ended - you will be removed from your seat. How? read the papers and see the Exodus unfold and then think twice before you dismiss the next call for help...from The People!
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
"Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or Corruption"
Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around
the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national
security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby
declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. Are You Involved In The Following Areas of Employment?"
“We are oft to blame in this, -
Tis too much proved –
That with devotion’s visage
And pious action we do sugar o’er -
The Very devil himself.”
"The Darling of the Elite and the Plague of the People is The Rule of Law."
The Rule of Law has become a dishevelled and juxta-positioned irrationality of reverse logic and deceit where the truth becomes the lie and hence life is death. The Rule of Law must be broken, abandoned, shredded and buried in an unmarked grave – lest it drag you first to where it shall be lain.
The problems have all stemmed from a corruption of natural and common-sense law usurped by the selfish and greedy self-promoting ethics of corporate moneyed interests.In short the bastardisation of Nature
The warning that a version of Christ gave 2,000 years ago as he attempted to throw the money changers out of the Temple shows that it is indeed THE ROOT OF ALL EVIl – and the bankers are the root.
The Rule of Law was always the rule of equipartition of energy, resources and time. Once that was apportioned so that the “stronger would NOT take care of the weaker” then the game was lost. Unfortunately, that’s been the way of things for at least the past 10,000 years. It can change – I hope it will change but there ain’t no “Hollywood ending” guaranteed on this one, per se.
If you are involved and working in any of the above mentioned job/task areas then you are very likely involved directly with or connected to and approving someone, or some action connected to the below mentioned "Human Rights Abuses" contrary to the law. You are also invariably involved in Racketeering contrary to RICO 1974. As such you are likely to have your property and assets seized and stand trial for various crimes against humanity. The ICLCOR is tasked with ensuring that the Rule of Law is re-established in your country and that you be held accountable for your crimes. Your Lodge, your boss or handler will not protect you either.
BE WARNED this action is being taken on many levels and by many sources which would provide a better world for future generations. Unfortunately, your time has ended - you will be removed.
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
"Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or Corruption"
"Human Rights Abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around
the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national
security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby
declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."
Fundamental Human Rights are just that, fundamental. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, provides you with an absolute socially pegged framework of what you can expect from the taxation revenues raised by your government - no matter where you are in the world. These rights have either NOT BEEN GRANTED AS AGREED or have been eroded/eradicated via financial corruption, fueled and debased by the greed and desire for self aggrandising judges, politicians, the police and all officers of the Courts of Law protected under an umbrella of a now International Masonic Framework which protects them no matter what! There's a Two Track Justice system in operation. The I.C.L.C.O.R. is here to remove a track.
In addition how many of you have heard of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 (entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49)
The basis of all law should be the non interference of Government Agency or Monarchy unless it is requested. The millenia old basis of all common law doctrine was that if there is no victim then there is NO CASE TO ANSWER. This principle has been totally hi-jacked now by the Corporatocracy courts into "commercial necessity" as Lord Just-Us Neuberger stated, as he overturned several centuries of accepted law of contract for the imposition of a parking fine. So when corporate profits take precedence over human relationships in society, you have to ask yourself, where does it ever stop? The State, whatever that is and where ever it is, now imposes upon you Statutory Instruments (S.I.), which are NOT laws at all. They are simply corporate committee decisions, turned into corporate bye-laws and thought out only to fleece you further. You do NOT have to obey them. The I.C.L.C.O.R. 750181 is here to re-establish the Rule of Law and that means Grand Jury investigations, Jury Trials for all and a totally new and alternative track laid down for the legal system to travel upon.
As most people realize, there is something terribly wrong with modern society. People work longer hours than ever and take home less while corporate fat-cats ride the "gravy-train" to the next platform. The politicians, the judiciary, the police and the lawyers backed up by their bailliffs all conspire to shake every man woman and child down on a daily basis. The Rule of Law is The Rule of Mammon and that my friends is the Rule of Satan.
So what we have now is a proposal for Reinstatement of The Law as it was before corporate mayhem, chasing profit headlong down the road to ruination took a hold. That means NO PROPERTY TO BE TAKEN FROM YOU UNLESS YOU HAVE CONTRACTED INTO IT or you have harmed or damaged another huma beings goods or chattles.
The law should be capable of being understood by everyone. If a 12 year old cannot comprehend the entirety of the judicial system then it is unnecessarily complicated. We know that it is so - it is designed that way. Why? Well the Devil likes the detail and the Legal Profession makes its way to wealth via contrived codes and complex interpretations which only the wealthy can pay for and only the elite can use to their advantage. Everyone else becomes a casualty. In Germany, for example, the bastion of a rich democatic society, supposedly, many people are fined and then imprisoned for not paying rail or underground tickets. This "menace" ie the right to free travel and public services is held as a Sword of Damocles above their heads. The imprisonment of people who have not paid on contractual obligations is contrary to Article 11 of The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 19 December 1966, which states uniquivocally: "No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation."
Over the past few decades there has been a deliberate attempt to undermine the justice systems of the world in order to frustrate and confuse and render helpless the ordinary working man and woman who are now being trapped daily in a web of statutory imposed rules, fines and regulations. All these rules and fines and regulations have come from one source UK Parliament in the UK US Congress in the USA and your Government which is dancing in step to the Globalist Tune of Death and Destruction of everything you thought you knew as "being right and fair".
There is choice - always choice. Sometimes though to choose better or to choose again is a much harder task thena many suppose.Unfortunately, many people prefer to continue with the interia of current day manifest living, which they instinctively know is "not right" rather than doing anything about it. In fact how can they do anything about it? You against the world as it appears before your eyes is a fool's errand, is it not? So with this plight before you we see that something must be done as som many people are unhappy and are totally disenchanted with the social paralysis which has been imposed upon them. AND THAT'S THE has been imposed upon you by stealth and social engineering, trickery, manipulation and deceit.
There are people who want to help change society, There are also groups who want to change BUT wanting is NOT changing! What is given to you now is an ALTERNATIVE JUSTICE SYSTEM but you must give it power for without you and your wanting of it it is nothing more than an empty concept. We however think it to be an IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME..and those ideas are bullet-proof!
Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017
"Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption."
All law in the British Commonwealth, the United States of America, Canada and the possessions of the Allied Powers post WWII are "de jure" COMMON LAW JURISDICTIONS. Any country FAILING TO PROVIDE justice to its citizens under the doctrine of Common Law Local Peer Jury Trial is engaged in human rights abuse and crimes against humanity. What that means is; IF YOU ARE A GOVERNMENT OFFICER OR BUREAUCRAT AND ARE SUPPORTING THESE PRACTICES then you are to be tried as an accessory before the fact or as joint principal in a joint enterprise. That's racketeering and you may have your bank accounts and assets frozen or impounded.
You have been imposing harsh and punitive conditions upon the needy CONTRARY TO FAIR AND EQUITABLE PRACTICE AND AS SUCH ARE MALFEASANT IN PUBLIC OFFICE. That carries implications for you. The Ancient Common Law of England proves our point. In the UK and elasewhere pepole have been put in jail for inability to pay fines and ordinary daily living costs, which are foisted upon them via jumped up kangaroo tribunals of Magistrates and High Court "wolves in sheep's clothing." This masquerading as "helpful and fair" is in direct opposition to the facts which present to the people. "A blind man on a galloping horse" could see your true colours. Under colour of law you punish intimidate and antagonise the people - we are here to now give you the benefit of tasting your own dish! Read on:
Statute The 5th (1351) - Grand Jury Indictment or Presentment
"None shall be taken upon Suggestion without lawful Presentment; nor disfranchised, but by Course of Law."
Article IV. "Whereas it is contained in the Great Charter of the Franchises of England, that none shall be imprisoned nor put out of his Freehold, nor of his Franchises nor free Custom, unless it be by the Law of the Land; It is accorded assented, and stablished, That from henceforth none shall be taken by Petition or Suggestion made to our Lord the King, or to his Council, unless it be by Indictment or Presentment of good and lawful People of the same neighbourhood where such Deeds be done, in due Manner, or by Process made by Writ original at the Common Law; nor that none be out of his Franchises, nor of his Freeholds, unless he be duly brought into answer, and forejudged of the same by the Course of the Law; and if any thing be done against the same, it shall be redresseed and holden for none."
The court's authority is derived from the people themselves. When you search for "government" you cannot find it, when you look for the location of the "state" you cannot find it. These words just represent legal fictions. Courts are made up of people and juries too. The supreme authority of The International Common Law Court of Record is therefore exclusively derived from the wishes and consent of the people. Anything else is tyrannous and invalid.
The law of consent is quite well worked out as you would expect. Consent, in legal terms, means to voluntarily agree to something after being apprised of the terms. Coercion on the other hand means you really did not want to do it at all but you were threatened, tricked or coerced into agreeing. In other words you were made to do it.
The People ultimately call the shots and anything which precludes this is always to be considered dangerous and to be avoided. Today the courts are nothing more than revenue collection pits whereby you, the 21st Century gladiator are thrown under the wheels of the corporate bus. The ICLCOR will now offer you remedy where before you had none.
The current status quo of manifested law "the false law" is the law of the rich, the corrupt and debased and their crony enforcement bureaucracy. It is a SPIN system (Satanic, Polycentric Integrated Network) of deception and accusation of guilt with forced compliance to obey, enforced with tasers, guns, intimidation, shakedowns and pain. The International Common Law Courts of Record are True - Universal Law Courts. The International Common Law Court of Record On Land is NOT a Citadel of worship to Baal, Baphomet, Lucifer, or the other legions of "fallen angels" and "fallen gods" to which the Global Politicians, Zionist Bankers, the judges, Justice System and Military pay homage to and bow. The Bible, written as it is in the 6th Century, has no place in this court. The Teachings of Christ have central position. There is no "Marrion Dogma" allowed either and The Satanic, Saturnic Cabal cannot alter or interfere with any of its decisions.
The central pillar of the I.C.L.C.O.R. is that if you have been accused of a civil or criminal action, then you MUST be tried by Jury of your peers. Once a verdict is reached (a True Bill) then the Indictment is prepared for the Petit Jury trial.
The jury has absolute authority to make judgement and enforce these judgements. It has absolute authority to examine, consult and demand production of documents, appearance and evidence NO MATTER WHERE STORED.
It decides as to law and as to fact! Failing to comply with request is Contemptuous! The Grand Jury of between 16 and 24 "peers" rules on fact as well as law. The court procedures and its officers' actions are all based upon the tenets of common law and NOT statutory instruments or corporate bye laws and Civic "Side-Order" laws, which you are presumed to accept and which are all foist upon you via coercion, threats and violence. Any threat of violence to your life and goods is an absolute abuse of your civil, human sovereignty. We preserve you sovereignty and call this I.H.S. - Inviolable Human Sovereignty
Statute the Fifth (1351)
"ITEM, Whereas it is contained in the Great Charter of the Franchises of England, that none shall be imprisoned nor put out of his Freehold, nor of his Franchises nor free Custom, unless it be by the Law of the Land; It is accorded assented, and stablished, That from henceforth none shall be taken by Petition or Suggestion made to our Lord the King, or to his Council, unless it be by Indictment or Presentment of good and lawful People of the same neighbourhood where such Deeds be done, in due Manner, or by Process made by Writ original at the Common Law; nor that none be out of his Franchises, nor of his Freeholds, unless he be duly brought into answer, and forejudged of the same by the Course of the Law; and if any thing be done against the same, it shall be redresseed and holden for none.
The I.C.L.C.O.R.O.L. re-establishes the Rule of Law, which is to say that it removes all tyrannical and dictatorial laws welded upon you via Statutory Instruments (S.I.) or Congressional Laws or findings of The US Supreme Court or that of The UK Supreme Court - both of which are nothing more than corporate mediation circuses of which you are merely allowed to enter as a "clown" entertainer and "asset" to be fleeced.
These institutions are now "Licence & Bond Revoked" and accused of Aiding and Abetting and acting as joint parties in a conspiracy and accessories before the fact.
[Accessory (legal term) An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as ajoint principal. ... If two or more people are directly responsible for the "actus reus", they can be charged as joint principals (see also common purpose).
That said, what does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Billary Clinton's funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, have been confiscated. HRC and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses.
All of George Soros' funds will be confiscated. None of these matters will be in the press, per se.
End Game for Cabal as Nuremberg II Tribunals Loom.
March 5, 2018
The clearest sign of this was an executive order and a 636-page annex issued on March 1 by U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Defense that prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals. The essence of these orders was that all U.S. civilians shall be subject to military justice and that the military will be able to hire non-military legal experts to help with the upcoming tribunals, according to Pentagon sources. The following clause on page 2 of Annex 2 is of particular interest, in that it describes one exercise of military jurisdiction as: “A government temporarily governing the civil population within its territory or a portion of its territory through its military forces as necessity may require.”
Very Interesting New Executive Order from 3/1
March 1, 2018
FYI this Order is effective immediately - all the odd language/exceptions are to prevent ex post facto law arguments for charges already pending.
Trump Signs Sweeping Executive Order March 4, 2018
Signing of a sweeping Executive Order making the most significant changes to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) since the Military Justice Act Of 1983—and whose most significant change authorizes, for the first time in history, experienced civilians to take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US Military justice system. Only President Trump—who in time of war, as the Commander-In-Chief, has the sole authority to determine what constitutes a threat and what should be done about it.
Germany, the BRD, is due to have a major overhaul of its justice system. Since 1945, its people have been subject to a tyrannous regime administered by the War Powers - The USA, The UK, France and Russia. All in all they have no jury system, no common law and are working to pay off the Money Masters who took control of the Largest and Most Productive Factory in Europe - that's GERMANY!
The United Kingdom is the supposed bastion of law and order. However, behind the scenes there is more corruption, wrongdoing and racketeering than could possibly be imagined. From the City of London through the Old Bailey and Supreme Court to the London Stock Exchange and London Bullion Market - everything is laid out for the benefit of a small coterie of White Shoe boys.
Executive Order 13818
That said, what does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. She and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses. All Soros funds will be confiscated. Any Saudi funds on US soil that the King cannot access will be confiscated. US politicians known to b
Executive Order 13818
That said, what does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. She and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses. All Soros funds will be confiscated. Any Saudi funds on US soil that the King cannot access will be confiscated. US politicians known to be padding their pockets with drug money will find this confiscated, and that includes Herbert Bush, the drug Kingpin. None of these matters will be in the press, per se.
Executive Order 13818
That said, what does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. She and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses. All Soros funds will be confiscated. Any Saudi funds on US soil that the King cannot access will be confiscated. US politicians known to be padding their pockets with drug money will find this confiscated, and that includes Herbert Bush, the drug Kingpin. None of these matters will be in the press, per se.
["Everything said here applies Globally of course, regardless of national linguistic nuances in descriptive terms such as: "congress", "states" and "constitution" "parliament", "senate"]
Anyone Working In Governmental Office or Connected Via Any Agency of Government and Involved in "Human Rights Abuses" of ANY DESCRIPTION, Will Now Have Their Assets Seized.
And, Bye The Way, Anyone Includes YOU!
As you should be aware, the degree of corruption, cronyism, racketeering, prejudice, bias and blatant unfairness at every level of society, has become intolerable to the common man.
These are the "faux" courts of the system which oversees everything that's wrong on Planet earth. It is easier to ask "what's right with the system?" than wade through for eternity answering the alternative "what's wrong with the world?" They dress like priests of Baal or Gala because that's exactly what they are: Run and compromised by the Vatican Dark Demonic side and totally in it for one thing, "money, power, prestige, titles and fancy dress."
These stacked courts are nothing more than "talking heads" there to facilitate an easy escape route or process for the military Industrial complex after they have been "rather too exuberant" in their thieving, piracy, privateering and shakedowns,coercion and gouging.
If it is good enough for the United States and the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, then it's good enough for everywhere else.
The Seventh Amendment continues a practice from English common law of distinguishing civil claims which must be tried before a jury (absent waiver by the parties) from claims and issues that may be heard by a judge alone.
Amendment VII
"In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."
If you are involved in corrupt practices, if you are taking back-handers, if you are involved in police contract crime, if you are involved in bureaucratic favouring...., if you are involved in price fixing in currency markets, the London Bullion Markets, LIFFE, The London Stock Exchange, then BE WARNED.
Copyright © 2023 International Common Law Court - All Rights Reserved.
The Warburg/Rothschilds are the IMF who Created the U.N. to Pay Governments, who appoint Judges to protect banks and the Corporatocracy: "Guess Who's for dinner?"